.386 ; Tells MASM to use Intel 80386 instruction set.
.MODEL FLAT ; Flat memory model
option casemap:none ; Treat labels as case-sensitive
.CONST ; Constant data segment
.STACK 100h ; (default is 1-kilobyte stack)
.DATA ; Begin initialized data segment
.CODE ; Begin code segment
_main PROC ; Beginning of code
_main ENDP
END _main ; Marks the end of the module and sets the program entry point label
Assembly and C Code Compared
Some simple high-level language instructions can be expressed by a single assembly instruction:
Assembly Code C Language Code
---------------- ---------------------------------
inc result ++result; // Increment value
mov size, 1024 size = 1024; // Assign value
and var, 128 var &= 128; // Apply AND bitmask
add value, 10 value += 10; // Addition
More Assembly and C Code
Most high-level language instructions need more than one assembly instruction:
Assembly Code C Language Code
---------------- ---------------------------------
mov AX, value size = value; // Assign variable
mov size, AX
mov AX, sum sum += x + y + z; // Arithmetic computation
add AX, x
add AX, y
add AX, z
mov sum, AX
Assembly vs. Machine Language
Assembly Language uses
mnemonics, digital
comments, etc.
Machine Language instructions are just a sequences of
1s and
Readability of assembly language instructions is
much better than the machine language instructions:
Assembly Language Machine Language (in Hex)
----------------- --------------------------
inc result FF060A00
mov size, 45 C7060C002D00
and var, 128 80260E0080
add value, 10 83060F000A
Controlling Program Flow
Just as in high-level language, you want to control program flow.
JMP instruction transfers control
unconditionally to another instruction.
JMP corresponds to
goto statements in high-level languages:
; Handle one case
label1: .
jmp done
; Handle second case
label2: .
jmp done
Conditional Jumps
Conditional jump is taken
only if the condition is met.
testing is separated from
Flag register is used to convey the condition test result.
For example:
cmp ax, bx
je done
General-Purpose Registers
- The EAX, EDX, ECX, EBX, EBP, EDI, and ESI registers are 32-bit general-purpose registers, used for temporary data storage and memory access.
- The AX, DX, CX, BX, BP, DI, and SI registers are 16-bit equivalents of the above, they represent the low-order 16 bits of 32-bit registers.
- The AH, DH, CH, and BH registers represent the high-order 8 bits of the corresponding registers.
| |
CL, and
BL represent the low-order 8 bits of the registers.
Since the processor accesses registers more quickly than it accesses memory, you can make your programs run faster by keeping the most-frequently used data in registers.
Typical Uses of General-Purpose Registers
Register | Size | Typical Uses |
EAX | 32-bit | Accumulator for operands and results |
EBX | 32-bit | Base pointer to data in the data segment |
ECX | 32-bit | Counter for loop operations |
EDX | 32-bit | Data pointer and I/O pointer |
EBP | 32-bit | Frame Pointer - useful for stack frames |
ESP | 32-bit | Stack Pointer - hardcoded into PUSH and POP operations |
ESI | 32-bit | Source Index - required for some array operations |
EDI | 32-bit | Destination Index - required for some array operations |
EIP | 32-bit | Instruction Pointer |
EFLAGS | 32-bit | Result Flags - hardcoded into conditional operations |
x86 Registers
Four 32-bit registers can be used as
- Four 32-bit registers EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX.
- Four 16-bit registers AX, BX, CX, DX.
- Eight 8-bit register AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL.
Some registers have
special use...
- ...ECX for count in LOOP and REPeatable instructions
x86 Registers, Cont
- Two index registers ESI (source index) and EDI (destination index) can be used as
- 16-bit or 32-bit registers
- Also in string processing instructions
- In addition, ESI and EDI can be used as general-purpose data registers
- Two pointer registers ESP (stack pointer) and EBP (base pointer)
- 16-bit or 32-bit registers
- Used exclusively to maintain the stack.
| |
![Index and pointer x86 registers](http://www.c-jump.com/CIS77/asm_images/index_n_pointer_registers.png)
x86 Control Registers
EIP Program counter (Instruction Pointer)
EFLAGS is set of bit flags:
- Status flags record status information about the result of the last arithmetic/logical instruction.
- Direction flag stores forward/backward direction for data copying.
- System flags store
- IF interrupt-enable mode
- TF Trap flag used in single-step debugging.
MOV, Data Transfer Instructions
MOV instruction copies the
source operand to the
destination operand without affecting the source.
Five types of operand combinations are allowed with
Instruction type Example
-------------------------- ------------------
mov register, register mov DX, CX
mov register, immediate mov BL, 100
mov register, memory mov EBX, [count]
mov memory, register mov [count], ESI
mov memory, immediate mov [count], 23
Note: the above operand combinations are valid for all instructions that require two operands.
Ambiguous MOVes: PTR and OFFSET
For the following data definitions
table1 DW 20 DUP (?)
status DB 7 DUP (0)
mov EBX, table1 ; "instruction operands must be the same size"
mov ESI, status ; "instruction operands must be the same size"
mov [EBX], 100 ; "invalid instruction operands"
mov [ESI], 100 ; "invalid instruction operands"
The above
MOV instructions are ambiguous.
Not clear whether the assembler should use
byte or
word equivalent of
mov EBX, OFFSET table1
mov ESI, OFFSET status
mov WORD PTR [EBX], 100
mov BYTE PTR [ESI], 100
INC and DEC Arithmetic Instructions
inc destination
dec destination
destination = destination +/- 1
destination can be 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit operand, in memory or in register.
No immediate operand is allowed.
inc BX ; BX = BX + 1
dec [value] ; value = value - 1
ADD Arithmetic Instruction
add destination, source
destination = (destination) + (source)
add ebx,eax
add [value], 10h
Note that
inc eax
is better than
add eax, 1
INC takes less space.
INC and
ADD execute at about the same speed.
SUB Arithmetic Instruction
sub destination, source
destination = (destination) - (source)
sub ebx, eax
sub [value], 10h
Note that
dec eax
is better than
sub eax, 1
DEC takes less space.
Both execute at about the same speed.
CMP instruction
cmp destination, source
(destination) - (source)
destination and
source are not altered.
Useful to test relationship such as < > or = between the two operands.
Used in conjunction with
conditional jump instructions for decision making purposes.
cmp ebx, eax
je done ; jump if equal
Unconditional Jumps
jmp label
Conditional Jumps
jcondition label
Conditional Jumps, Cont
Some conditional jump instructions treat operands of the CMP instruction as
signed numbers:
je jump if equal
jg jump if greater
jl jump if less
jge jump if greater or equal
jle jump if less or equal
jne jump if not equal
Conditional Jumps, Cont
Some conditional jump instructions can also test values of the individual CPU flags:
jz jump if zero (ZF = 1)
jnz jump if not zero (ZF = 0)
jc jump if carry (CF = 1)
jnc jump if not carry (CF = 0)
jz is synonymous for je
jnz is synonymous for jne
LOOP Instruction
loop target
- Decrements ECX and jumps to target, if ECX > 0
- ECX should be loaded with a loop count value before loop begins.
| | - Surprisingly,
dec ecx jnz repeat
- executes faster than
loop repeat
Logical Instructions
and destination, source
or destination, source
xor destination, source
not destination
- Perform the standard bitwise logical operations.
- Result goes to the destination.
TEST is a non-destructive
AND instruction:
test destination, source
TEST performs logical
AND but the result is not stored in destination (similar to
CMP instruction.)
Logical Instructions, Cont.
Example of testing the value in
AL for odd/even number:
test al, 01h ; test the least significant bit
je even_number
; process odd number
jmp next
; process even number
Shift Instructions
Shift left format:
shl destination, count
shl destination, cl
Shift right format:
shr destination, count
shr destination, cl
count is an
immediate value.
- Performs left/right bit-shift of destination by the value in count or CL register.
- CL register contents is not altered.
SHL and SHR Shift Instructions
Bit shifted out goes into the carry flag
Zero bit is shifted in at the other end:
Shift Instructions Examples
Count is an immediate value:
shl eax, 5
Specification of
count greater than 31 is not allowed.
If greater, only the least significant 5 bits are actually used.
CL version of shift is useful if shift count is known at run time,
- e.g. when the shift count is a parameter in a procedure call.
CL register can be used.
Shift count value should be loaded into
mov cl, 5
shl ax, cl
Rotate Instructions
Two types of
rotate instructions:
- Rotate without carry:
- ROL (ROtate Left)
- ROR (ROtate Right)
- Rotate with carry:
- RCL (Rotate through Carry Left)
- RCR (Rotate through Carry Right)
Rotate instruction operand is similar to shift instructions and supports two versions:
- Immediate count value
- Count value is in CL register
ROL and ROR, Rotate Without Carry
RCL and RCR, Rotate With Carry
EQU directive
EQU directive eliminates
No reassignment is allowed.
Only numeric constants are allowed.
Defining constants has two main advantages:
- Improves program readability
- Helps in software maintenance.
mov ecx, 90 ; HARDCODING is less readable and harder to maintain
Multiple occurrences can be changed from a single place
The convention is to use all UPPER-CASE LETTERS for names of constants.
EQU Directive Syntax
name EQU expression
Assigns the result of
expression to
expression is evaluated
at assembly time.
More examples: